Wednesday, June 30, 2010


This is sorta derived from the end of the Blood of the Fold, book 3 of the sword of truth series. Its amazing! Check it out, I have to go to work, otherwise i'd write more. I hope you enjoy =)

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Floating Castles

Just trying to keep myself drawing every single day. The more I draw the better I get, the more I develop, so quantity first =) This originally came to me while listening to the Blood of the Fold audiobook, book 3 in the sword of truth series. It was going to be the Wizards Keep, but then I sorta got carried away and added some floating islands and stuff. Took about 3 hours in photoshop. I have a goal, since I started drawing every single day, I've also been going to the gym every single day. I figure by the time I'm slimmed back down to where I want to be, I'll be a skillful artist, it'll probably take the better part of this year, but I'm determined =)

Monday, June 28, 2010

Forest Wagon

Just a 40 minute sketch of a wagon stuck in the forest, not a place I'd like to be stuck, where is that weird green glow coming from?

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Temple Sunset

Hey there, I just got a nice book of vacation destinations this weekend for 5 bucks. its filled with amazing landscapes and scenery, I thought it'd save some time from browsing the internet for suitable references. This is based off one of the locations in there. It took about 4 hours or so while I listened to the "Blood of the Fold" on audiobook ;) Hope you enjoy!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

The Great Race!

Hehe just having some fun at borders. Drawing in some random landscape for practice when I decided to add a blimp to the bottom one, then i added a few more and it was a race! Then I took the first landscape I drew and added some blimps to the one, now its a real race =) Hehe didnt feel that either one was really that great, but together they were a lot of fun! Hope you enjoy, took about 45 mins each.

Friday, June 25, 2010

2 hour quickness

Just wanted to draw some individual elements last night. Like really get detailed on a tree or some grass and not worry about anything else. As i started laying down colors some of them kinda looked like they could be mountains, and hills... then clouds... oh man i got carried away with it. I finished it the next morning when I decided to put  a little bonzai tree in the middle of the shot. I dunno, nothing special but a fun little run =)

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Cold Snow Path

Here is another one inspired by the sword of truth books. The main character is running from a small army of 50 men, where she hides beside a frozen waterfall and they all go slipping and falling over the edge in their haste. I hope you enjoy! =) I did two versions, I cant decide which i like more in terms of color and flippage =)

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

More paintings

Oi it sure is a long hard road to learning how to do this stuff. It seems like sometimes these painting just come right out of me like a sneeze, and sometimes its like trying to lose 20 pounds... Every time I start drawing, I wonder if this is going to turn out or if its going to look like super crap. There is always a stage about 20 minutes in, EVERY time where I want to stop, and I hear that little voice inside me saying "this is shit, just turn back, go play video games, go play guitar, read a book, cuz this ain't workin out". It's getting a little easier to ignore that stupid voice and keep going, but even when I'm done with a painting... it's still there telling me it looks like crap. I post the crap along with what I like because I believe when learning its about quantity not quality, the quality will come with practice... and these are like little height lines marked on a wall as I grow taller and taller. I would love to see some of my favorite artists early early work, their crap work. I think it greatly helps to see that these incredible people started out just like me... they weren't incredible from day 1. Obviously they say that, but I want to see it. So, as I continue my journey, these are all my first steps, this is stuff that one day I'll look back on and say wow, I've come a long way. I've also learned that it's VERY important to sketch out something of the scene before you start or else you just start putting things any old where and cuz they are painted in, your less compelled to change them. Sketching is super easy to change. So without further ado, heres more.

The first one is from a lazy Sunday afternoon, it was going to be Addy's house from the sword of truth series, right at the cusp of the barrier to the underworld, but then I didn't like the way the house looked, it didn't seem like Addy's house, and I didn't really like the way the trees or river looked, it didn't remind me of how it was in the book... but I kinda thought it would be a nice scene anyway, so I just keep going with it.

The next one is from the Sword of Truth series, The valley of the Lost. A wizards battleground left the earth scorched and temperamental clouds of magic loom in the air casting down magic seeking lightning bolts. There are wizards temples built there to help harness the wizards power, and the magic also causes people to see visions of the things they desire most. Here Richard (main character) is seeing visions of the Heartland Woods where he grew up and runs to them with careless abandon.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Sword of Truth, Mud People

Hey there, This is kiiiiinda loosely based on the village of the mud people from the Terry Goodkind. The mud people are calling the spirits of their ancestors, but something else appeared.... something they didn't expect to see!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

The Legend of the Seeker sketches

These are two sketches I did this weekend taken lightly from the Wizards First Rule books by Terry Goodkind. I just finished the first book as an audio book, and it was really awesome. These are of no particular scene, just things that were in the book that I smashed into a scene. The space image is actually from a side project I'm starting, I'll be posting more images from that soon. This is the first sorta concept piece from it. I'm going to make a site specifically for the progress on that project, but i'll post some of the drawings from it on here. Enjoy!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Pencil Sketches for Tower Defense Concept

So I'm an avid iphone game player. I download and play a LOT of games... and mostly i dig the tower defense games. But every time I play one I think to myself, its missing this feature, or it'd be awesome if you could do this, etc. These are some concepts I've come up with for a td game, I have a great idea for it too, but I dont have enough time to get you excited about it, so I'll post it later. Enjoy some imagery =)

Some more recent stuff

Hey there, its been a while since my last post, but I have been busy trying to let my creative beast out of its cage... although sometimes it feels more like a kitten... or an embryo. Meh. Well I've shed my fear of the blank page once again and reignited my fire for digital painting. I have been indulging in a great audio book on my drives to work and random times throughout the day. The sword of Truth, Legend of the Seeker, by Terry Goodkind. I know they've made some movies from these stories, but none of them do this incredible tale justice. Just driving around fills my head with thousands of images, scenes, dynamic fights. I'm tellin ya, if you're having a hard time coming up with cool ideas to paint or draw, read a book, or listen to an audio book. This will save your life!! Without further ado, here are some images from that book.